Pere Lachaise; Jardin des Plantes

Posted 4/28/2014

I marched all over Pere Lachaise today, as well as a couple of other spots in the 20th arrondisement, with my "big" camera, my guidebook, and my umbrella, so I'm a little worn out... I will probably take tomorrow off from sightseeing to rest and try to do some more blogging.  But here are a few items...

Look who was hanging out across from Chopin's tomb!

I was even more delighted than I normally would be, because you don't see many cats out and about in Paris.  This was a very friendly little kitty.  So Chopin's tomb was a good place for him/her to hang out, since it probably gets the most traffic after Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison.  (The kitty's person called him/her away a few minutes later -- maybe someone who works there?)

More about Pere Lachaise later, but on my way back, I went through the Jardin des Plantes, which is near my apartment and is becoming one of my favorite places.  There are funny things about it.  Like this tool shed:
Right nearby is a table or bench of sorts with a taxonomic diagram of the plant kingdom (Tina, I think you would like this place):
I also came across this sign, beneath a maple tree, which apparently warns passersby about falling leaves:
Further investigation confirmed my suspicion that this was meant to be a funny, because they don't seem to be overly solicitious about safety in general.  I found this growing, big as you please, with no warnings whatsoever:

Update:  For more funny stuff, there was later an exhibit, in comic form, extolling the humane treatment of the animals in the neighboring menagerie (which I didn't visit, but I still liked this exhibit).  Here are a couple of examples, with translations:

"Once we had noticed that a female crocodile was depressed..."

 To (know how to) distinguish:
        Happy croc
        Dubious croc
        Depressed croc

"We left her alone, one night, with a pigeon that had entered her enclosure.  The next day, things were going better."  [well, not for the pigeon!]
Word balloon:  "Ah!  You look better!  I'm pleased to see that!"
[of course, the croc always looks exactly the same]

"Thus, we trained the parrots to enter tubes willingly."  [by putting peanuts in the tubes]
Parrot is thinking:  Peanut?
"This practice is used for insemination, less stressful than the traditional method."
Parrot is thinking:  Prankster peanut!

All of the above photos are from the "educational" area of the garden.  Here are some nice flowers from the "fancy" area of the garden (my terminology):

There are also several inexpensive and interesting-looking museums on the grounds.  (I have been to one, which had an exhibit of ornithological art.)

More later!


  1. LeeAnn, I am enjoying your blog--keep writing, it is so nice to feel the connection to your stay in Paris. Those flowers are totally stunning. And the cat is quite cute. Maybe s/he is listening to piano music.

  2. Great posts. The "beware of falling leaves" sign is a so funny. I loved Jardin des Plantes, too. They have a lot of interesting statues and sculpture. Keep up the it.

  3. Lovely pictures. Keep them coming. Have any pictures of the street where your apartment is?

  4. Hi Beckie,
    The apartment is nice, but there is scaffolding on some of the buildings on the street, so the street itself is not that photogenic. It's Rue Tournefort if you want to check it out online.

  5. Bon jour LeeAnn, Merci pour les photos et the wonderful running commentary that brings your Paris sojourn right into my living room. Oscar appreciates the cat photos; I love the wall art and the botanical classification. Il ne pleut pas yet? Voutre explorations sont plus amusant. A bientot!
